Autisable TeamFeatured

We’ve Moved!

For those curious as to what has been going on with Autisable, here’s the latest update.

For the past year, we’ve been very honored to have been on The Autism Dad‘s server.  Rob has been extremely kind and patient in helping us get back on track, working many hours to fix things on a regular basis, and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude.  I’m also very grateful to Stuart at Autcraft, who stepped up in addressing some of the file transfers.   Thanks to the both of them, Autisable is back up without major incident.

This move has been planned, albeit a bit earlier than expected due to unexpected circumstances.  So, the move to our new server has now happened!

Although we are ‘moved in’, we’re not really done with getting settled.

So, here’s what to expect over the next few weeks:

  1. Expediting the distribution of your content
    1. We are still playing catch up on all the blog posts from our member.  So, we will be pushing out a lot more of your insight and journey about autism.
    2. For our members and nonprofits that we syndicate, we will be getting our syndication process updated over the next week – so expect a lot more of your content to be shared as well.
  2. Added security
    1. One of the challenges of having a site like ours is ensuring that you have an enjoyable user experience on Autisable, while at the same time your information is kept safe.
    2. we’ve already taken some precautions to amp up site security, and we are preparing to make the site SSL.  Of course, there are other protocols we can discuss, but why tip our hat to those who would want to cause harm to the community?
  3. Enhanced service for advertisers
    1. Autisable is free to members because of our advertisers.  We will be upgrading how we serve ads, while not creating a user experience where advertising impedes their ability to use the site.
    2. Auto-bill pay is around the corner, by request of our advertisers.
    3. as a reminder, we vet and work with our advertisers to ensure they are providing a service that can benefit the community.  We encourage positive feedback so they can improve their service(s).

At this time we are inviting you to submit your posts and to test out the new site.

Log in, go to your profile page, and ‘add post’.

Feel free to also check out the social side of the side, and connect with one another again.

Folks, we’re back in business and we are honored to be here to serve the community.


Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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