Meet Emily: A Female Aspie Reconnect Testimony
My daughter has aspergers (autism). Often girls on the spectrum go undiagnosed until the teenage years. At that time they begin to manifest anxiety, depression and/or OCD. And this was true with our story too.
(This is something dear to my heart…. and I will be posting more about this topic: Female Autism!! over the next several months!)
In elementary school Emily had missed a lot of school because of her social anxiety. She was isolated most of the time and we had a difficult time not only getting her to school, but outside into the neighborhood to play with her peers. She had obsessive repetitive behavior, some paranoia, unfocused, hyper social skills, and poor academic performance. She was doing 1st and 2nd grade work in the 4th grade. I begged the school system to help us with her and get her intervention… with no success. In fact, we were told it was a psychiatric issue and need to take her to get evaluated and put on meds. That is when we pulled her out of the school system to home school. We found YLEO during that 5thgrade year when we home schooled her.
When we introduced Young Living essential oils in our home we had favorable results. We diffused peppermint and used brain power during “school time”. She was able to catch up during that acedemic year. We moved the following summer and put her into a new school district where she began to thrive.
That fall we tweaked her oil regimen (added a couple oils including rutavala and the NEW Ningxia Red), we had AMAZING results!!! Her anxiety and OCD symptoms reduced immensely within 10 days!! (She will even tell you, she doesn’t like who she is without these essential oils.)
A year ago we started using a new blend with her under the guidance of Gary Young (founder & Ceo of Young Living Essential Oils) and we noticed she started developing authentic friendships, advocating for herself, and she developed even more effective coping skills. Her executive functioning started to improve as well. And her eye contact became impeccable. One morning she asked me to look at her. She told me that it was no longer painful to look me in the eye. She said she used to feel like people were looking through her right into her soul.
She no longer has to go through her morning ‘ritual’ to get out the door to school. In fact, for the first time in 15 years, I actually have to tell her to pick up her room…. epic!! Her Anxiety did increase when we took her off of the rutavala and exclusively to use the Reconnect blend. Gary told me to try to push through it, but we resorted to using it again along with this blend.
This seems to be the perfect combination for her. THANK YOU YOUNG LIVING for giving me a safe alternative for my child that allows her not only to function, but to flourish without harmful medications!!!
Susan Richardson