Hope Saves the Day

Show#331 Discussing Guardianship

Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss our most recent social media question:

How much do you know about obtaining Guardianship for you ASD child as he/she makes the transition into adulthood?  We’d like to hear from listeners who have gone through this (maybe you could pass along some advice) and we’d like to hear from listeners/followers who have questions/concerns regarding this.  We will also do some research and discuss the topic at length

Autism Radio

Autism Radio

Hope Saves The Day® is a multimedia interactive open forum dealing with Autism broadcasted internationally. We intend to provide information to the public about autism and related topics and provide an interactive network for the community. We are an unbiased weekly broadcast that is published on the internet.

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