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Newborns & Children with Autism

Children with Autism Newborns and Children with Autism are like human metaphors for why communication is so important in a relationship.

Without dialogue there is a constant guessing game to understand what is going on with the other person in the relationship. The communication becomes strained and behavior starts to deteriorate. There is crying, sometimes tantrums, and everyone feels helpless and on edge because whatever the problem is there is no way to attend to it without knowledge of it’s origin.

The big or rather huge difference is that adults posess the capability to have that all important dialogue. Unlike babies and autistic children, these are innocents of developmental issues, be it physical immaturity or severe disability. They at least try to convey their thoughts and needs through whatever means possible.

It is hard for me to admit this but I have been in such a non-communicative relationship for many years and sadly am not referring to my Danny boy. I probably have spent more time and effort working on a conversation with him than others I need to repair connections with. Honestly it is probably more comfortable for me because Danny does not talk back and there is no danger of hearing something about myself I don’t want to hear, thus no confrontations.

I feel very foolish that a newborn baby and a disabled child are handling their vulnerable situations better than I.

I will have to pray really hard on this one.

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0 thoughts on “Newborns & Children with Autism

  • @P1AutismMom – Oh yeah. I mean one of the most prolific minds in science can’t speak either (I of course speak of Stephen Hawking). So you know, I’m sure your son will find his own place in life and be a contributing member of society as well, however, it does make things a little more difficult. 

    I know even though I speak well, that I still have a hard time communicating sometimes. Of course, that’s just the Aspie side of me coming through, and I don’t always choose my words as well as I should, and that’s a daily struggle for me even. I manage to get by however, so don’t despair too much. 

  • @P1AutismMom – I consider myself lucky that I’m such a high-functioning Aspie that I can communicate coherently. I know I could be A LOT worse off…

    You’re welcome, though we apparently have very, very different spiritual views.

  • @abilene_piper_lg@xanga –   It’s showing up in many ways in my family, even my older boy is frustrated as he enjoys the company of the exchange students in his class but there it is again, the language barrier.  We use a lot of picture and hand written communication with Daniel and it helps.  I will keep praying but I know full well that prayer without works is meaningless so I’ve still got a lot of work to do  .  Thank you so much for your post comment.  I appreciate that you took the time to read my blog.   

  • Yeah, it can be tough. If they don’t know any better or any different I guess there’s not much you to worry about, however, you can’t help but wonder what they really do think deep down. 

    BTW, prayer never solved anything.


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