Autisable Team

Gearing Up for the Next Phase

This past week we have been making sure all aspects of the site are ready for the next phase, making Autisable more social.

To do this, we first had to make sure that when someone signs up for an account on the site, all the steps were needed.   So, in case you’re wondering what the registration process should be…Join Autisable

  1. register for an account 
  2. verification email sent to your email address
  3. click button in email, and it will open up the browser to your account.

Then you can go to updating your profile – as I shared here:  Update Your Profile

We value your privacy and respect your time.   Your email is required for the account to be in use, and allows us to communicate to you directly.   We don’t sell or give away your email address, as it’s private information.

By joining Autisable, you agree that your email address will be included in any email marketing campaigns we may have.   You can opt-out of any email subscription at any time.


One last thing…

We cleaned up our database, which included removing several spam accounts.   One of the reasons we’ve added the email verification steps.

In the process we’ve sent a verification email to anyone who still has an account on Autisable.   This includes the over 100 bloggers and several non-profits that we’ve highlighted over the past several years.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please let us know.


We look forward to getting the next phase of Autisable launched!   Until then, feel free to join and check around the site. 🙂

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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