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Perceptions About Autism

I came across this Autism Meme this weekend, and it really hits the nail on the head.

Although I’m an Autism Dad, the journey is one many Parents share.

Many of my coworkers and friends think that I’m constantly dealing with meltdowns and behavior issues.  After all, it’s not uncommon for me to vent a little frustration and to show up with a few bruises on my arms.

My Parents always thought I was doing social media and playing around online, and whenever I’m out in public and so many sensory issues are flaring up and my sons in full blown meltdown – people think to rather call CPS or a Police Officer rather then ask if they can help… as I drag my son to a quieter place to allow him to calm down.

On top of this, the major challenges from Radio and TV journalists and Government representatives thinking that all of us Autism Parents are hyper focused on vaccines and causation.  Which for most of us is far from the reality of what we really want:  Understanding of Autism and all that surrounds raising a child on the spectrum, and the tools and services being affordable to help our kids be the best we can be.   Causation is and will continue to be researched, but we can’t and won’t dwell on it…  as that doesn’t help families deal with the everyday issues that is facing them in the moment.

We have to be like soldiers, constantly in battle with friends, relatives, co-workers, insurance companies, doctors, caregivers, school systems…. always on the ready each and every day.   24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the rest of our and our childrens lives.

But, in the end, we’re just parents, loving our kids…. trying our best.   Embracing those moments when our child smiles back at us, laughing with us, and showing us who they really are.

This is what Autisable is about!    Sharing the communities stories, promoting understanding.

And hopefully, one day, people will ‘get it’.

This was a bit of an encouragement to me, and I thank this blogger for it.

If you get a chance, visit the website where I got this meme –


– Joel Manzer, Lead Editor


Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

6 thoughts on “Perceptions About Autism

  • This is my sister in law… I’ve been fortunate to see the good times and not just the challenging moments – they are moments and just like all else are transient.

    • AWESOME! such a small world! Hope she knows about us and what we’re about. 🙂

  • RighteousBruin

    My parents struggled, not only with me, but with a legally blind third son and a TBI youngest son. I know of others, formerly of Xanga and now on FB and Word Press, who are dedicated autism parents. My heart melts for them, every day.

    • Autism Parents may have to struggle at times, but the results in seeing the children make monumental steps as a result of their efforts make the challenges worth it.

  • Crystalinne

    If this were the “old Xanga”, I’d give this post a thumbs up sticker and a “rec”.

    • THANKS! Feel free to Like/Love the post on Autisable’s Facebook page… and share with friends. 🙂

      (we’re working on Autisable’s next version – as you may already know. 🙂 )


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