Advertise With Us
Many have asked over the years if we are a non-profit. No, we do not have that honor.
We are, however, a for profit company with a philanthropic vision. Our goal is to help individuals and organizations unite and share their message and journey with Autism.
To make sure we are able to reach our vision, we operate by working with advertisers and sponsors to help provide the revenue to keep our website running and to produce future episodes of Autisable Live.
With our previous website that was based on’s proprietary platform, we were very limited on what ads would be displayed. Many times our site displayed ads from companies that many of our over 50,000 readers didn’t really support or care for, and some strongly disagreed with. The reason for this was because those ads were primarily managed through google adsense. In short, we had little to no control over who or what company promoted their products on our website. We were also very limited on working and coordinating with advertisers on promotional campaigns via our website in blog posts or even social media updates.
But with our upgrade, this has changed.
Our primary goal when working with advertisers is to make sure that the company has a heart to help the Autism community. If their intention is to serve the community as best they can, than we are willing to work with them. If an advertiser is just wanting to promote through our channels to get sales and not really have a heart for the community, we will respectfully decline on working with them.
We will encourage anyone to support our advertisers and sponsors, because we try our best to work with our advertisers to provide feedback on how they can help the autism community. From blog posts sharing who our advertisers are, to online campaigns that include social media updates.
With all this being said, if you own a business and are interested in advertising with us – please leave a comment. Doing so will allow us to reach out to you with more information.
We are regularly improving our website, and will have a monthly newsletter, and we recently launched our web series. We also are working with other companies and bloggers and organizations as a means to help promote Autism awareness, acceptance and understanding.
Thank you for considering us.
The Autisable Team
Would love to speak with someone about a possible collaboration in cross promotion of services.
First of all I really like this channel
I´m running a startup for a new app that In a new way supports children managing the daily routines.
I started this company one year ago because I had the diagnose autistic spectrum as a child.
DayCape is for helping children overcome their daily obstacles and by doing so we say that we can make autism feel more like a supper power!
This app is love today as a free beta. So because of this we would like to spread awareness that this new support is available. As a startup we have a small marketing budget but still we could pay something for the promotion.
Also if you guys are up for it we would love to create and be part of your channel. Maybe we could do a brief talk in your youtube channel or be part in some Facebook and mail news?