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The Autism Channel

I have to be honest, I’m addicted to The Autism Channel.   I’ve written about this channel before, and I’ll share about them again and again.

They just launched last year and are right now a channel on Roku, but with how high of a rating they are on that device I’m sure they will be expanding soon to other devices as they are gaining momentum with a growing Audience each week.

From fellow bloggers to other families and shows, they are providing up to date information in a collaborative format for people to watch at their pace.

Now, for those that don’t have a Roku streaming media device, go to the main page of Autisable and look at the right column, you can get a discount for one (I’m always big at finding ways to save money for things)….

I’m no reporter, so I honestly don’t think I could give this channel the true review it deserves, so I will concede to the folks at ON The Media  who provided this report and interview with the folks who created the channel:

I like their position on promoting and discussing anything Autism related without taking sides (this is shared at about the 7 min mark) – something we strive to do on Autisable.

You can read more of their write up and record at this link:

Have a Roku? Do you Watch the Channel?   What do you think of their shows?

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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