
To All The Victims of the Connecticut Shooting

Regardless of your personal beliefs, what happened today in Connecticut is an absolute tragedy. Please put what divides us aside for right now and join hands in a moment of silence for the victims of today’s tragedy. 

With that said…….

Very rarely am I at a loss for words but……….I am today.

My heart breaks for all the children and families affected by the Connecticut school shooting today. The loss of life is beyond a senseless tragedy. I want to say how completely heartbroken for those killed in this despicable act.

Everyone is in our thoughts and prayers and will remain there. 

As a parent, this is my absolute worst nightmare and I can’t even begin to understand what these parents are going through.

Please hug your children tonight and be thankful that you have them.

As a society, we have to work together, despite our differences, be it race, religion or political beliefs and do everything possible and then some, to ensure this never happens again.

When I personally experience a tragedy, I tend to find meaning and comfort in music. For that reason, I wanted to share two songs I felt compelled to listen to after hearing about today‘s events.

Please keep all those involved in today‘s shooting, the victims, their families and friends in your thoughts and prayers.



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Rob Gorski

Rob Gorski

Father to 3 boys with #Autism, 1 with Fragile Health. Award winning blogger, techy and advocate. #AutismDad @GuardianLocate

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