Autisable TeamFeatured

Researching Ideas and Collaborating Together


Working in the position I do on Autisable I get a lot of ideas passed to me on what I should be doing more of in terms of site promotion and promoting Autism Awareness and Understanding.

What many people don’t know is that I work Autisable on a part time basis, and am very blessed to have the support of the Xanga Team and a few extra dedicated people who essentially volunteer their time in keeping this site’s main page refreshed with content.  

The content provided on Autisable are from those who have accounts and use the site – hey, we’re rather social here – believe it or not! 🙂

This has been an ongoing project going on 4+ years – and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.

So, with all these ideas – and no signs of things stopping, we want to see what else we can do to keep the Autisable community growing.


Here are some ideas that we’ve been knocking about and we’d love to have your input: 


1. Create a commercial promoting the Autisable community, and this commercial could be distributed in Theaters that support Sensory Friendly Films.

2. More Giveaways through our facebook fan page!  (we already have some in the works, but we’re wanting to do more)

3. A webcast/podcast – discussing what’s going on in the Autisable community, and interviewing people (I’ve been personally encouraged to host this)

4.  (fill in your idea here)


Once we have an idea on what we want to do as a community, we’ll figure out how to obtain a budget to make it happen.

Thanks again for your input, and for sharing/tweeting/liking what we do – it’s very encouraging!



Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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