Where Did My Child Go?

Jon is being evaluated at the child development center at this time due to my concerns about his developmental delays, sensory issues and behaviors as his 2 older brothers diagnosed with autism.Yesterday was his appointment with the psychologist.
We didn’t leave soon enough so I was rushed. I forgot the stroller, so he had to walk with me. This was not starting out well, and he was letting everyone that could hear know that. I had to carry him in. Thankfully the check in was very simple and only lasted a minute or so. He sat in my lap cuddled up to me. The doctor came out and introduced himself. Jon was still clinging to me. This lasted through the interview with me. I was worried, but not surprised.
Then the doctor took out bubbles and started blowing. That peaked his interest. A smile, then a laugh soon followed. He left my lap and started popping bubbles. He was babbling away. He came up to the resident pediatrician, looked at her, touched her arm and smiled. He did the same to the psychologist. They would call his name, he looked at them. His eye contact was really on. He played with the toys that were in the test kit. Yes, these were toys for babies and kids about 1 year old, but he did what the doctor wanted with them. Transitions were smooth. His toy fumbling tendencies must have taken the day off. He did line up blocks for a bit, but with generous prompting he started stacking them himself. The doctor was allowed to touch the toys he played with, lucky guy. There was a very cute 33 month old child in that room, you wouldn’t think anything different if it wasn’t for the lack of speech.
Jon, Mr. Charming was in the building. That was great but…Maybe he just ignores me when he’s busy doing his thing. If he likes you enough, he may share his toys and allow others to try different things with him, otherwise he gets possessive, set in his ways and will only do what he wants. Dare I look at or touch the blocks he is lining up or the pegs he is fumbling. His sensory issues must be a figment of my imagination.
I guess I’m just a liar and his therapists and Early Head Start worker didn’t really see these behaviors I’ve described even though they have them written in their reports. Just like when I know something is wrong with my car and bring it to the mechanic just to get a piece of paper saying that the problem can’t be duplicated along with a sizable bill. That didn’t fix my car, just as this didn’t help my son.
We all have our days. Jon just happened to be a good mood once he was able to relax there. was one hour plus appointment. I am with him all the time. The doctor really knows what he is doing with these kids which helped. The forces lined up properly and the toddler I brought was on his best behavior.
I will admit that Jon makes much more effort to be social and interact with others, and talk than his brothers did at this age. His eye contact is better, and he scores higher on cognitive testing. With 2 children on the spectrum and already diagnosed without much dispute, it’s pretty natural to think that if my other child was showing some of the same signs, that it’s quite likely he is autistic too. That is all I know. I could be too quick to jump on the assumption of autism with Jon. That would be great, but it concerns me that he won’t get the help that I know he needs. It also makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong.
It’s hard to know what to think.
He does have extensive developmental delays. The toys he was playing with were suitable for a 1 year old and he was interacting with them in that way. He turns 3 in a little over 2 months. The psychologist thinks he may be to sociable to qualify for an autism diagnosis.
We shall see.