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Celebrities and Their Stories with Autism

We’ve heard in the news and on TV those who are in the public limelight who deal with Autism.

I admire the fact that they have been willing to tackle the puzzle of Autism amidst public scrutiny and constant questioning.

With every new report coming out I have a feeling they are constantly being asked for their opinion on the matter as well.

I only say this because I’m asked all the time about the latest Autism reports in the news – whenever they come out.


There’s also the aspect that reporters or tv shows may not provide a story that shows a sound byte within the context of what was said in the first place.

I’ll concede that they may try, but let’s be honest what they are trying to do is report something in a limited time frame and provide a sense of entertainment at the same time.


There are several celebrities who have a child with Autism, and I’d LOVE for them to have a blog on Autisable!   I think it would be awesome for them to share directly with the Autism community – and connect with others here – wouldn’t you?

Seriously, wouldn’t it be cool to hear Sylvester Stalone chime in now and then about his son and how he has seen his son overcome certain things?  Now that would be a Rocky movie moment… right?  What about if his son had a blog on Autisable, and shared what life was like as a child with autism in his family – sharing his voice – like Carly Fleischmann does – providing inspiration to millions worldwide.

What about Holly Robinson Peete?  I think it would be great if she blogged on the site as well, providing her opinion on topics – more than just the 50Cent issue, but maybe working together with her kid on a blog on the site – answering questions to the Autism community through here.  Or, better yet – asking questions on what interests the rest of the community.  She’s done so much with her organization already, I’d wonder how we could serve her organization more.

Then there’s Dan Marino.  It’d be cool if he could share how his organization has helped countless people, but I’d be more interested in his story as an NFL Quarterback and juggling being a Dad to a child with Autism amidst all the work load he had to take on.   

I could go on, but one person who’s story I’d like to hear is John Travolta’s – unedited.   

It’s a challenge to be a father, let alone a challenge to be a father of a child with special needs – but here’s a man who decided not to share about their kid’s condition for whatever reason (and that’s ok).  But it would be interesting to hear what he had to go through, it might help others who are reluctant to share – for whatever reason.

Of course I respect their decisions – to share or not – hey, they have to protect their family and personal life.  They may be in the public limelight, but they are individuals as well, going through life trying to figure things out like the rest of us.  Heck, they just may be extremely busy – I can truly understand that.

From Aidan Quinn and Doug Flutie to Ed Asner and Joe Mantegna, Celebrities who are touched by Autism in many ways have been speaking out – promoting awareness and understanding – like many of us.  

Just thinking it would be pretty cool if they would share their stories and connect with people on Autisable, that’s all.

So now my question is – What person that you know of who is in the public limelight and deals with Autism would you like to see blog and would possibly want to connect with on Autisable?


Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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