Q&A with Irma Canfield-Autism Parent
“As soon as we walk out the door, observing his expression of the day will usually tell me what to be prepared for, when and if something happens.”

Hello, I’m Irma Canfield, married, with three sons: Roland, Rick, Steven.
My youngest son Steven has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome & severe autism. His diagnosis started me on the path to raising autism awareness and becoming an activist for the cause.
Over the years, I have had to re-assess how to channel my energy towards addressing his unique challenges by viewing opportunities while understanding the importance of connecting and focusing on other members of the autism community on our Facebook page.
I believe that we are all meant to learn something from our experiences which have impacted our families’ lives. So, I chose to become a voice for my son and have struggled for him to be included and benefit from various choices and options. I am grateful to my son for teaching me many things and for being my inspiration of nourishing hope.
As soon as we walk out the door, observing his ‘expression of the day’ will usually tell me what I as his caregiver need to be prepared for, when and if something will happen.
On long trips, I bring Steven’s personal DVD player or iPad with his favorite music or movies. Per his doctors’ advice, I also give him several supplements to help keep him calm.