Q&A with Mieko Hester -Perez Autism Mom
” Once we are in the car, we go over everything that could be missing! Like phone chargers and my ATM card. Recently, Joey has become very fond of my credit cards and I’ve gone miles and miles without knowing my ATM card is at home sitting next to his plush toys.”

Who you are -Introduce yourself:
My name is Mieko Hester-Perez, more notable as Joey’s Mom.
In 2009, I placed my son on cannabis to treat anorexia and malnutrition second to his autism as a result of medications associated with treating autism. .
Introduce your philosophy to educating them:
My children are in traditional schooling, having summer off with winter and spring breaks.
Introduce your kids:
I have a 15-year-old daughter and two sons, ages 3 and 13 years old. My 13-year-old was diagnosed in 2001 with severe autism and a decade later with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.He is also non-verbal.
How you travel or go on an outing?
I typically start with a pot of coffee all ready to go.
I think I may be the check- off -queen, as the night before any trip I make a list.
Let’s say we are going to visit my parents, that’s an hour ½ drive with a stop for emergencies. (like gas, more snacks or I have to text/make a phone call without any interruptions)
After I have laid out everyone’s clothes and gone over the morning plan with my daughter, I proceed to drink my second cup.
Things usually get done after my 3rd cup of coffee!
Joey’s medications are taken at 7 am then placed in a backpack.
The bag also includes fresh clothes for everyone, diapers for Joey and his brother along with organic chips, apple juice, and water bottles.
We have a set dressing order – first my daughter, then myself, then Joey and lastly my three-year-old who seems to undress 2 or 3 times before we leave so, he’s officially last.
Next we load the car, and THAT takes about 25 minutes on a good day! And that’s of course contingent upon whether Joey & his brother have picked out their toys for the trip, with a child on the spectrum & 3-year-old – that could set you us back 15 minutes easily!
Once we are in the car, we go over everything that could be missing.
I-Phone chargers and my ATM card tend to top our list as you can’t go far without them.
Recently, Joey has become very fond of my cards and I’ve driven miles without knowing my ATM card is at home sitting next to his plush toys.
Why I still enjoy going on trips with my kids:
Autism keeps me on toes; it seems that “thanks” to autism I ‘m in a hectic legal arena for work – I’m capable of navigating through multiple tasks without breaking a sweat with about 4 to 5 hours of sleep.
Autism has made me a better parent for my other two children, a better citizen and has given me a purpose through my passion, my kids.
If I could go back and change my son from not being diagnosed, I would not be the mom I am today!
So like I tell others I enjoy autism, sometimes on an hourly basis.