Q&A with Jeannette V. Suarez Autism Activist
“My kid… sometimes needs some adjustments such as small breaks, plenty of water, and two alternative places to visit the same day, just in case”.

My name is Jeannette V. Suarez; I live in Florida, but I was born in Colombia where I studied art for two years, before graduating from the Business Management at Nova SouthEastern University in Florida.
I am a mother of two beautiful children, Christian is fourteen years old, and my other child is Sebastian, who is eight years old.
When I discovered that my little boy was on the autism spectrum, it was a long process for me to transform this devastating news into the a positive outcome.Some days I’m still struggling with it.
It was then I started volunteering my time to raise autism awareness in communities around the world. I help promote awareness through the Autism Awareness Monuments cause and a project called “We are around the World,”
Every year I also donate my time and talent as an artist and mural designer to a child in the spectrum with a group called art2touch, which was created as a charity that raises funds for children in the autism spectrum.
I educate my kids with the same principals that my parents raised me.
I teach my kids people aren’t that different and that any disagreements that arise should always be solved through dialogue, not violence.Furthermore, I always relay my experiences in life and examples from people that inspire me for my kids to learn from and follow.
How we travel?
Well, Fortunately, both kids love to travel.
Sebastian sometimes needs some adjustments such as small breaks, plenty of water, and two alternative places to visit the same day, just in case.I always remind myself that he needs his space and schedule.
When we travel, I pack the essentials several sets of clothes for each child.I try to take into account accidental spills or other weather related incidents.I also take favorite DVD movies, water bottles and healthy snacks for each kid, separately.each child knows where his ‘stuff’ is and that helps them feel assured they are well equipped for any adventure.
I have to say that over the years we have enjoyed our traveling because the most important part of traveling isn’t where you go, what you see or even how much you see but the positive attitude you get a chance to teach your kids.