
Your Child Might Not Be Autistic Tomorrow

The New York Times ran an article about the proposed DSM change for the defintion of autism. Here is a little tidbit I found intersting:

The likelihood of being left out under the new definition depended on the original diagnosis: About a quarter of those identified with classic autism in 1993 would not be so identified under the proposed criteria; about three quarters of those with Asperger’s would not qualify; and 85 percent of those with P.D.D.-N.O.S. would not.

So the reality is that with this change of definition the vast majority of our children would no longer be considered autistic. Interesting, absurd and quite frankly frightening…Even more so, completely devoid of any sense of morality.

Yes I left a comment. So here it is:

The psychiatric community plays with people’s lives, support and future without even a second thought. This is nothing more than about the ego of a handful of persons who have no regard for the destruction they will cause. To actually say that the overwhelming majority of persons diagnosed with some form of autism in the last two decades will no longer be considered autistic is Orwellian. How nice that the psychiatric community can somehow cure someone of autism overnight by changing the definition.

Goodness if we parents of autistic children knew that was the way to do it, we would have asked for this definition change decades ago. We didn’t need to go broke with therapists, doctors, neurologists and specialized programs. We could have just asked the psychiatric community to wave their little wands….Abracadabra presto chango the definitiono and your children or you are now cured…So glad to know that that is really all it took…

Unbelievable… the psychiatric community changes the definition and our children have no more problems….who knew….

These people are not only not professional they are completely absurd.

It is linked HERE. BTW I wrote it under my political blogging pen-name not my autism blogging name.

Let them know what you think too.

Until next time,


Elise Ronan

Elise Ronan

The purpose of this blog is to document the practical and realistic approach taken over the decades to help our two sons grow, and develop in order become all that they are entitled to become as human beings.

0 thoughts on “Your Child Might Not Be Autistic Tomorrow

  • The DSM isn’t the problem; strict over-reliance on it in legal settings is. And to be fair, if you aren’t on the board that makes the changes, you can’t be certain that “this is nothing more than about the ego of a handful of persons who have no regard for the destruction they will cause.”

  • Don’t worry, the DSM changes all the time. They’ll probably have another a revision to the fifth one within a few years because they’re constantly researching and learning more. With all the research going into autism now, they’ll probably know much more by then. I mean, some people used to think it was caused by vaccines until recently…think what else could change soon. And the times will change with it. It’s not just autism that’s getting shifted. Personality disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder are under question, for instance. The DSM is constantly being changed – homosexuality was removed, there’s talk of gender identity disorder (transgendered people) being removed, too. Every mental illness gets fucked over through the system, not just Autism. Inpatient hospitalization isn’t easy whether you’ve got schizophrenia or an eating disorder. People are fucked over every day for ALL disorders. That is the best consolation I can offer. Mental illness just sucks and not enough is done to research it despite its prevalence just because it’s stigmatized.


  • They will do anything to keep from spending for extra services, therapy and medications. I am sorry for those it will affect.

  • From aspergers2mom- there may be new categories but there is no way to know if any of them will fit the newly undiagnosed. it is truly believed that thousands will be left in a sort of no-man’s land between the DSM and the reality of their lives.

    Think of it this way…throughout history society has tried to
    define race…depending upon when and in which country  you lived,
    decided what skin color you may have been…now along with that skin
    color designation came certain privileges or sadly discrimination…same
    can be said here.

    Along with a particular definition or designation of autism you are able
    to either be given the civil rights designed to help the disabled or without it you will spend your life being considered “odd” “crazy” and devoid of 
    acceptance by society. You will be without support and beyond the bounds
    of “privilege,” facing discrimination to which you have no civil right of 

  • Would there be a new category for the autistic children who do not fall under the new definition? If they are just reclassifying, but are still including every child who needs help, I wouldn’t see a problem with it. If they are just trying to cut people out to classify them as “normal” or “healthy” or whatever when they aren’t- that’s jacked up.

  • I am a firm believer that most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
    They literally have meetings and collectively make up diseases.
    Is that not obvious now?

  • Yah, so this scares me considering my daughter only has a PDD-NOS dx right now.  She clearly needs the services she has.  Makes me sick.


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