
Android app for kids with Autism

Today’s featured app comes from Intellijoy. The app is Kids Connect The Dots

Lost and Tired  fully endorses this Android application by the great developers at Intellijoy, and have personally used this app with my 3 boys on the Autism spectrum.

This app is basically a game of connect the dots. Your child will practice the chronological order of number and be rewarded for finishing the puzzles with a bright colorful picture. As the time this post was published 2:50pm, 12/10/2011, this app was on sale for $.10 as part of the Android Market’s massive 10 Billion downloads sale.


My kids love this app. This is actually one of the reasons Emmett has begun counting so well. This is the perfect time to grab this app off the Android Market


I would highly recommend this app to anyone with an Android device and a child on the Autism Spectrum.. Honestly, this app is great for typical kids as well.  As special needs parents, we have a sometimes daunting task in front of us when it comes to helping our kids learn. Apps like this can be of tremendous value and provide your child with the an engaging, colorful and rewarding experience, all while they learn their numbers.

This is an example of technology, truly making life a bit better.

Download and Install

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Rob Gorski
Father to 3 boys with #Autism, 1 with Fragile Health. Award winning blogger, techy and advocate. #AutismDad @GuardianLocate
Rob Gorski

Rob Gorski

Father to 3 boys with #Autism, 1 with Fragile Health. Award winning blogger, techy and advocate. #AutismDad @GuardianLocate

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