Homeschooling with Autism: Sounding smart when questioned
Being eaten by the shark at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Love the face! |
I’m just gonna say it. There are going to be people that either disapprove of homeschooling or think you aren’t qualified to do it. You could get into many a lengthy debate with them. I don’t anymore. Now that I am fairly comfortable in my homeschooling mom role, it doesn’t bug me as much. I have learned one thing that has helped out when the children are questioned.
Teach them how to answer when people question what they are learning. I have told Logan that this is the time when he can spout facts until their eyes gloss over. Feel free to tell the person everything he knows about a subject. Works every time for him.
Madison had a little more trouble with it. She’s my why do you want to know kid. So, we practiced scenarious. For example, if it’s someone at church , she could recite one of the Scriptures that she has memorized. If it’s someone at dance ,which is a more likely scenario since she is the only homeschooled kid there, she could talk about an experiment we just did or her favorite activity that week.
We are not trying to act like we are better because we are homeschooling. We are just trying to avert controversy if we can.I certainly have bigger things to worry about and this takes the pressure off quickly. I highly suggest you practice your answer in advance if your child is uncomfortable answering the question. This is what works for our family!
Me too!
I would probably be a “Why do you want to know” kid. teehee