Finian’s Autism Unit
Another lovely guest post from Jean Jeannie of Planet Outreach
Many of you already know that my little boy Finian (I usually refer to him as Bob due to his long-term love affair with a certain builder) attends an Outreach Autism Unit at a nearby primary school.
His teacher and SNAs have opened a whole new world to him and I am in the very fortunate position of being comfortable that, because of them, he will become all that he is capable of becoming.
The Principal and Finian’s Teacher are anxious because the boys are all receiving very piecemeal services, and they are in discussions with a private speech therapist to see them on a weekly basis.
Of course this costs, and this is when James (the Husband) decided to shimmy into his lycra and do something to shoulder the burden.
Now before you get excited, he doesn’t spin webs or fly, but he does love to cycle so he decided to use this passion of his to raise funds for the unit (the fact that he looks pretty damn hot in lycra is just a happy coincidence).
James is a Doer.
Give him a hammer, some nails and a few bits of wood and he’ll build a cupboard….just don’t ask him to read the instructions first (which is why God, or maybe it was Necessity, made me his secretary).
Being the kind of fella he is, James wants to raise funds for the Autism Unit both to benefit our son’s education, and also to say a heartfelt Thank You to it.
On Easter Saturday (3rd April) the “Pedalling Pensioner” (aka Eugene O’ Leary) is very kindly going to cycle non-stop on a stationary bike in Scotch Hall, Drogheda from 10am to 6pm, while we rattle our buckets for Finian’s Autism Unit.
This guy is amazing. He did a similar event last year for Abacas in Drogheda and generated a very impressive amount of money for the school. James will be with him all day, and I will pop down in the afternoon with the kids for a few hours.
Check out our facebook page for more information.
I would like to say a very special Thank You to Lucy Owens for putting us in touch with Eugene, and for liaising with Scotch Hall…oh, and for helping us organise garda clearance…Lucy is my own personal Bono. I’d say she’d have a crack at world peace and global warming if she had half a chance, and she looks way better in heels than Bono.
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@jeancarroll32@twitter – glad you are a part of the autisable community.