
Toddlers Times Two

I now have two toddlers in my house *groans*. Yes, Her Cuteness has turned 17 months and has turned into a bit of a diva. She can lie on the floor and tantrum with the best of them. Not having had a neurotypical toddler for many years has dulled my memory, but it is coming back all too quickly, with extras.
However, she can behave very similarly to HRH, who has autism. The thing is, I am very sure Her Cuteness doesn’t have autism, everything comes far to easily to her. She doesn’t struggle to understand instructions, can imitate us all and even does pretend play. She is also very verbal for a 17 month old! So, no, no autism for her.
She has taken to banging her head on the floor, albiet oh so gently, when she doesn’t get her own way. The ‘gently’ bit is important because HRH has gone to bed with yet another bruise on his forehead from banging his head on something. The only thing he headbutts that doesn’t bruise him is me. Her Cuteness gives great consideration to her head banging and only does just enough to make her point.
While I expect she is copying her big brother, whom she hero worships, it is still niggling  at the back of my mind that maybe I have missed something. Maybe I am not putting the pieces together. I did get a fright when she started this, and other behaviours that I haven’t mentioned here. The head banging is the most noticeable though.
Maybe headbanging is a bit of a thing in this house because I am sorely tempted to bang my head on the table right now. (I won’t risk damaging my keyboard!) Maybe I should, maybe it would knock some sense into me and stop me over thinking things?

*photo credit google images

Jen Cull

Jen Cull

Mum of 3 great children, one of whom has autism. Wife, taxi service, blogger, cook and chief bottle washer in my *spare* time

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