
Attitude Is Everything

Attitude Is EverythingAttitude is everything… la la la. The lyrics bounce around in my head- one of those songs that gets stuck and can’t seem to escape from the mental chatter of my mind. I guess this is a good sign. And, probably a healthy mantra to get trapped within my neural synapses for awhile. I can always benefit from the reminder.

I was watching the video of my daughter Leah singing and playing at a local club. Much to my surprise, she had written an “attitude” song for performance with her newly acquired ukulele. As usual, I was dazzled by her stage presence and talent as I watched and listened.  It doesn’t seem that long ago she was draped in layered costumes and beads singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow on our brick fireplace.   I was  definitely feeling a bit nostalgic.

February is almost over and has been a month of milestone birthdays in our house. Time is flying by faster than ever. Leah just turned twenty and her costume and beads have been replaced by a classy hat and guitar. When Leah was born, my plate was already full and overflowing. I was caring for Kyle, who at that time, was besieged by seizures. I was trying to figure out the autism thing and had just begun an intense home program for him which required ongoing recruiting and training of a support team. I was also mom to my daughter Rachel who was a typical, active two year old. So maybe from a practical sense, it wasn’t the optimal time to add another child to our family.

Thank goodness we decided not to be practical. As it turned out, this was absolutely the best time for Leah, our precious blonde bundle, to come into our lives.    Leah added that extra dose of healthy balance on the other side of living with autism. I’m reminded once again; siblings are such a gift, offering a different experience of mother hood. Like her sister, Leah was a flower who with care and nurturing, bloomed on her own. There was no way autism was going to swallow me up now that there were two amazing little girls to love and care for. Somehow it always comes back to balance. Isn’t this something we are all striving for in one form or another?

I don’t know if I ever got the balance thing just right. I’m still working on it. But what a joy it has been to be mom to Leah. She amazes me with her depth and creativity.  I admire her confidence and have goose bumps as I watch her bloom into a wonderful young woman. Her talents are many but more importantly, she is extremely thoughtful, kind, and very wise for her age.

Another kid to gush about? You bet.


PS. Sometime very soon, you will be able to click here to listen to Leah’s song “Attitude is Everything”. Stay tuned.

Gayle Nobel


Autism with Attitude is all about your attitude! Whether you are living with autism or any other life challenge, your attitude makes a difference.

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