
Sammy Has learned… so have I

He has learned so very many things over the past few months.
– his people have eyes now when he draws them.
– he has learned to build castles with blocks
– he has learned to say I love you
– he has learned to sleep in his bed
– he likes to color, he may not do it well but he does it
– he has learned to have authentic conversations
I am so proud of that young man. He has come further than I could have ever imagined. He was sitting at the window counting raindrops each one after ten being 65. 28 minutes of sitting there in the window counting rain drops. Now he is laying on the floor rolling back and forth. I don’t fight it the way I use to, I don’t grieve the way I use to, I don’t feel the way I use to…

because of him

How can you not love this kid?

I felt hopeless when we found out. I feared the future and the past, I had horrid guilt, and cried all the time. I freaked out inside every time he stimmed that i would never get through to him. I cried when he ran circles in the house and couldn’t sit still for a second. But those things that made me sad have become my joy. Sammy is just Sammy who happens to have autism. He just happens to think in ways that may not make sense to other people. That is OK.

he is who he needs to be and to try to “cure” him and rip the autism from him seems so unfair. It is woven into our lives. Don’t get me wrong I want him to be able to live without insane frustration, I want him to live and succeed. But I don’t want him to change. I like him the way he is, I love him for his weirdness, and I LOVE seeing into his world when he lets me.

So, what have you learned?

Annemarie Chagnon

Annemarie Chagnon

We are currently a family of 7 (yes 7 really) My husband and I have 5 children on earth and one precious baby in heaven. We are Catholic and we are Quiverful. We live in a small town in Southern Massachusetts. We try to live as simply as possible. We are a family of special needs people and we work every day to make this house work

0 thoughts on “Sammy Has learned… so have I

  • sammy needn’t worry, I’m not too great at coloring either. XD

    That video… just about the cutest thing ever. I have no clue how anyone could ever not love him. I wish the best for both of you! <3

  • Sammy has the best parent ever!  I am touched to hear of your journey from fear to joy in who he is.  I pray he gives you more and more windows into his world!  God, bless you!

  • I`ve learned that Sammy is loved and so are you! You are both so lucky to have each other. I don`t have any children but worked as a teacher for 25 years with children with special needs, a special passion for those with autism. They taught me so much. He will teach you what he needs if you let him and then you can provide all the support he needs to gain independence and be the best he can be. You`ll be busy but you`ll be so loved!!


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