
A Letter to President Obama: Autism Advocate Requests Your Attention

President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

I can’t post-pone this letter any longer. There is a pestilence occurring among our children in America and we need your help!

My daughter was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) last Halloween. Progress is slow, but steady. We do feel restricted in the process of addressing her needs due to the law not requiring the inclusion of autism on insurance policies, the narrow-mindedness of some deemed professionals in the industry, and the lack of financial backing.

Mr. President, many parents and professionals have differing opinions about how to address the needs of these children and what causes ASD. I am sure you are aware that this is a hot topic and tempers flare. I am not going to address the causation in this letter, but am going to acknowledge that I quietly (and often) wonder if the two injections of the RhoGam inoculations mandated on me during pregnancy caused our daughter’s disability.

However, I am going to address that since implementing the medical model during the past few months our medical bills have surpassed our personal budget. Unfortunately, I think that Autism has become an industry rather than an epidemic. It infuriates me that many are getting rich off of the woes of our children. But, this isn’t about me and the need to find someone to blame. I have made peace with our circumstance, and thank God that he entrusted me with this challenge. (He must have recognized something amazing within our family construct to bless this family with such an amazing journey.)

There are others I am most certain that have been called to action by a higher order as well. For instance, Angela Warner—a military mom of four (2 with ASD), is an inspiration to each of us on this journey. Her drive to alert you, Mr. President, and the mother of your children, Mrs. Obama, about this epidemic and how it is affecting our military families is inspirational.

Men and women who have committed their lives to protecting ours, are fighting an even bigger battle and dealing with even greater grievances on their home fronts as well. I am not going to pretend to understand what is like to be a military family and face autism, this you can learn by accepting her invitation to meet in early October. Until then, you can read more about her bravery and endeavors at

Age of Autism, a daily web newspaper of the autism epidemic, recognizes Angela as an Air Force spouse, mother, and advocate for our children. Today, I am asking that you encourage Michelle Obama to meet with Angela to have a discussion about what American families are going through.

It won’t be long before the 1 out of 150 kids with ASD become of age… that will bring its own set of challenges. If we don’t act now, more money and resources will be required to meet the activities of daily living for this fast growing population. I encourage you to help the children of today for a better future tomorrow. I, personally, have signed an open letter to you on the web encouraging you to look into the environmental factors that could be contributing to this debilitating disorder.

Thank you for your action!
Susan Richardson
Mother, Wife & Autism Advocate


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alternamom on Blogger
Mother, Wife, Autism Advocate, Crunchy Mom Wanna Be, Reiki Master, Blogger, Young Living Essential Oil Education Coach and Mentor. I am the mother of two fantastic, expressive, healthy daughters who happen to be on the autism spectrum.


Mother, Wife, Autism Advocate, Crunchy Mom Wanna Be, Reiki Master, Blogger, Young Living Essential Oil Education Coach and Mentor. I am the mother of two fantastic, expressive, healthy daughters who happen to be on the autism spectrum.

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